Instructional Design Team Consultation
The instructional designers and technologists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) offer faculty and teaching assistant support for every course design phase, including development, delivery, assessment, and evaluation.
CTL Instructional Design Team Expertise
Our team has a wide range of skills and interests and can provide consultation for the following areas:
Developing new course proposals, objectives, and curricula
Aligning learning objectives with course materials, assessments, and activities
Reviewing syllabi
Supporting various course formats including on-site, online, hybrid, virtual, blended, and flipped formats
Developing engagement, interaction, and community in learning activities and environments
Improving course organization and usability
Writing learning and lecture objectives that establish clear expectations for students
Supporting Universal Design and accessibility of course sites and materials
Training to use instructional technologies, including CoursePlus, to promote student learning
Reviewing PowerPoints
Designing multimedia approaches to content delivery
Request a Consultation
To request a consultation, please contact CTL Help at or Kathy Gresh at
See the Events and Workshops page for other training and development opportunities offered by CTL.